Graphic banner displays a skyline that includes buildings representative of several communities in Union County.
Friday, February 21, 2025

Jefferson Descendants Reunion

Love your Quebecois and/or Irish family history? Your pioneer ancestor settled in Union, Clay Counties of SD, or Plymouth, Woodbury, Sioux Counties of IA?Join us on June 22, 2019 at the St. Peter’s Community Center in Jefferson, SD to meet pioneer descendants with the goal of sharing information so that the histories of their struggles, challenges, and accomplishments might be preserved and passed on to future generations.When: Saturday, June 22 from 9am-4pmWhere: St. Peter’s Community Center, 402 Main Street, Jefferson, SDCost: donations appreciated for facility rentalWhat to bring:• A copy of your family history including name(s) of Jefferson pioneer arriving in Dakota Territory, northwest IA before 1890• Copies of valuable photos taken before 1930 of a pioneer or of her/his descendants• Two dishes to share for lunch—a salad and main dish or a main dish and dessert and your own beverage. Plates, utensils, cups to be provided.Questions? Email us!Karen Chicoine [email protected] Jeanette [email protected]