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Sunday, March 2, 2025
Collections People

Milburn donates quilt

A unique quilt was recently donated to the Union County Historical Society by Sidney Milburn, Jr., son the Elk Point’s Drs. Sidney and Corinne Milburn and the South Dakota State Council of Epsilon Sigma Alpha International. The quilt was a gift presented to Corinne Milburn at the completion of her term as International Council President of ESA in 1986-1987. Corinne was installed as IC President in Kansas City, Missouri in July of 1986 and presided at the ESA International Convention in Portland, Oregon in July 1987.During her presidency she travelled to Queensland, Australia to attend the Australian “State” Convention. She was the first IC President to hold a planning meeting involving all ESA’s entities; ESA Headquarters/Staff, the ESA Foundation, and the International Council Executive Board representing the membership. The first award for support of Easter Seals, one of ESA’s two international council philanthropic projects, were made during her year as president. Corinne was a gentle, much-loved lady, who led ESA with poise, wisdom and grace.The quilt is constructed of 48 blocks which were given to the State ESA Presidents who served during Corinne’s administration and to the presidents of South Dakota’s local ESA chapters. Each woman was asked to create a block that was representative of her state or her theme. Barbara Campbell of Vermillion, who was serving as South Dakota State Council President, coordinated the project. The completed quilt top was assembled and hand quilted by the Korner Quilters of St. Michael’s Catholic Church of Albion, Nebraska. The four center blocks of the quilt represent Corinne’s theme, “ESA, the Road Less Traveled,” the State Council President’s theme, “ESA a Place to Bloom and Grow,” the printed dedication block and Elk Point’s Beta Eta Chapter block which was hand embroidered by Dorothy Maurstad.

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